Friday, August 23, 2019

STOP shoveling coal in the "hate furnace"

Part of my morning routine is to check various news sources and sift through the noise to see if something important happened while I slept.

Holy crap! There is so much going on that doesn't really matter yet it seems to me that EVERYTHING gets the same priority on how it's reported.

Speaking of false equivalencies... What I'm really tired of is BOTH sides of any issue just shoveling proverbial coal in the hate furnace.

I get it... You're angry, you disagree with someone's viewpoint and want to let the world know of your displeasure about what's going on.  There is a place to unleash your rage and vent.

In my humble opinion, it shouldn't be in the news.

The news should REPORT issues from as high a viewpoint as possible and just report the facts.

There are actual problems in the world that need solving and again, in my own opinion, we have GOT to move past the rage and focus on solutions.

Just insulting and bitching about people you disagree with is not enough.

We have TV networks and websites devoted to feeding the wolf of confirmation bias that our brain ends up STUCK in a world where everyone who disagrees with us is the enemy.

Our government should be comprised of statesmen who's job is to sift through the BS and help their constituents UNDERSTAND the issues and explain viewpoints with FACTS and DATA and not just pander to people's feelings to get reelected.

Anyone can just fan the flames of hate, unfortunately, that's what the president feels his job is.

Are we not the UNITED States of America?

Not the let's point out how wrong/stupid the liberals or conservatives are.

Maybe I'm dreaming of a world where people take the time to look at their viewpoint critically and then decide that just because someone disagrees with you they ought to be hated.


OK, I'm done :).    


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The New Normal

It seems like every couple of years I write a post and then just like that... I disappear.

Consistency has never been my strong suit, at least not when it came to my own personal endeavors.

Always working for someone else, dedicated to a fault. Many times sticking around longer than I should have.

Ans when the dust settles I always swear that things will change...this will be different...I'll reinvent myself. Only to end up in another thankless job, with golden handcuffs that keep me chained to my desk.

The cycle continues.

Until now.

I'm doing something I've never done. Out of my comfort zone with the possibility of failure. The fear keeps me trying. I can do this. I've been through worse.

This is my new normal and I'll keep trying.