Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So.... Anybody ever get tired of the same old grind?  I suppose sometimes its better than the alternative of not knowing where you will get your next meal from or where you are going to sleep.  I think sometimes we have so much stuff we tend to forget about how easy we may have it compared to the less fortunate.

One of the biggest issues I've seen when 2 people are arguing is that they are either unable or refuse to see where their opponent is coming from.  When I say unable I mean they have not had the same experiences the other person has had so they think that they must be wrong or are lying.

The point I'm trying to make is unless we can empathize with other people and feel what they are feeling how can we ever hope to understand them.  We don't have to agree with what others might say but maybe just maybe we can start a dialogue and find some common ground. Just some stuff I have been thinking about...


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