Thursday, October 29, 2015

Why People Think I'm Smart

By the subject of this post you might think that I'm writing this just to toot my own horn but I can assure you its not.  I believe most people in my family think I am some sort of genius however in my opinion I just like researching and using Google A LOT.

 If that makes me smarter than the average person than so be it.  I can't fathom living in a world in which I don't answer any question that I have.  With the Internet at our finger tips how is it possible not to answer a question you have or dig deeper for an understanding in concepts you don't get.

It appears that most people don't give a crap.  They just remain in ignorant bliss when the answer is just a few clicks away.  Granted with so many heavily biased and opinionated blogs ( I ain't even gonna lie, my opinions are my own and by no way dictate a truth just my perception of it) it takes some digging to get to the 'Truth".

I think its extremely important that at the very least listen to both sides of a position and try your very best to think outside of your own belief system which I admit is a lot harder than it sounds.  My advice is to keep in open mind and realize that we share this planet with other people who have other viewpoints and and experiences.  T

hat doesn't mean you need to agree with everyone you just need to accept that not everyone is EVER going to agree on everything and don't focus on imposing your beliefs on others but on helping them understand why you believe what you do.

Who knows maybe it will lead you to God forbid change your mind and come to a new understanding :).

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