Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing...

Some of you might recognize this quote, it’s from the first Star Wars movie, Darth Vader says it as he force chokes an Imperial officer for chiding him that the Force is not enough against the rebels.

 This post is not about Star Wars but about my own lack of faith which I find... disturbing.

 As the events unfold in the shooting in San Bernardino, CA my heart sinks as it is has been proven to be an act of radical Islam. In light of this, the folks on the right are feeling a sense of justification for their fear and this will boost anyone that has an “us vs. them” world view.

 That is pretty much guaranteed. For me it takes a darker turn. I lose faith, what little I have left, that there is a God out there and that He cares at all about what goes on down here.

 I know there are those that say that we are responsible for all this evil in this world, but what about innocent people?

 They don't deserve this and I refuse to be made to feel guilty by believing that it is my sin or my lack of faith that is at fault. I don't know, things look dark for now, but hey... you gotta have faith that things will turn around I guess.

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